Leilani films modifying a plastic bin
This week we started experimenting with compression to reduce the size our soft plastics recycling bins.
We are drilling, cutting and sliding small plastic bins as prototypes.

Freedom compresses rubbish
As much as we compressed the soft plastics, they would expand again. Tha Zin had a 'eureka' moment when she thought of bagging up the plastic before compression.
We don't want to buy any bags. Luckily we had a roll of old plastic lying around so our new challenge was how to turn it into a compression bag.

We are writing down our ideas to record our learning but the ZTL team had to work together to safely drill holes in their Prototype. They used their laptops to film their learning so they can review their techniques and ideas.
Leilani, Zaeeda and Tha Zin with the ZTL Prototype
Awesome stuff Mr Vogt and PES crew